Namespace benefits, avoiding name collision when we integrate from different resources like third party libraries & packages.
Define a namespace:
We define namespaces at the top of page with “namespace” keyword. No other codes allowed to place before “namespace” keyword – with one exception, “declare” keyword.
namespace Le\Product\Age;
How to use a namespace class:
Example file name item-list.php, first we need to include the library which contain namespace and Import the namespace with “use” keyword.
require 'src/Products/ShopByAge.php'; //include namespace file
use \Le\Product\Age\ShopByAge; //import namespace
Namespace Example / Directory Structure:
filename: src/Products/ShopByAge.php
namespace Le\Product\Age; //Defining Namespaces
class ShopByAge{
public function ageOneToTwo(){
return 'Age Between One to Two';
filename: item-list.php
require 'src/Products/ShopByAge.php'; //Namespace file
use \Le\Product\Age\ShopByAge; //Import namespace
$age = new ShopByAge(); //Call class from the context for the namespace
echo $age->ageOneToTwo(); //Return, Age Between One to Two
Aliasing: We can give the class a friendly name by using the “as” keyword. And majorly used to shorten, extra long name using this keyword.
require 'src/Products/ShopByAge.php'; //Namespace file
use \Le\Product\Age\ShopByAge as ProAge; //Import namespace and alias with ProAge
$age = new ProAge(); //Call class from the context for the namespace
echo $age->ageOneToTwo(); //Return, Age Between One to Two
Global space: We have to use backslash(\) in front of the class name in order to call a class from global space.
$a = new \stdClass; // call global scope, PHP's generic empty class.
Further reference about namespaces: