React JS Quiz April 18, 2020 Padhmanaban 1. Which of the following are basic features of the react library? Server-side Rendering Declarative Paradigm propTypes Validation Virtual-DOM 2. What are the different way to pass a props into the React.Component? Parent Component setState() defaultProps propTypes 3. What kind of error types are not caught by Error Boundaries? Event Handler Constructor Lifecycle Methods Rendering None 4. Which of the following are parts of "propType" validation? PropTypes.undefined PropTypes.array PropTypes.func 5. Which of the following Lifecycle phase are externally controlled by ReactDOM? UnMounting Mounting Updating Catching 6. Which of the tools allow you to test React Application? React Testing Library Mocha Jasmine Jest 7. In stateless functional components, are we able to specify "propTypes" & "defaultProps" as a property on the function? Yes No None 8. What type of diffing algorithm, React using to find the difference between Actual and in-memory DOM while "state"change/update? Memetic Evolutionary Heuristic Simulation Optimization None 9. In React, what this.setState() method will return? Boolean Array Void Object None 10. const { blogger, programmer } = profile? Default Assignment Array Destructuring Spread Operator Destructuring Assignment None 11. Which of the following "Events" are dependent on the browser specification in React? Wheel Events Pointer Event Touch Events Transition Events None Time's upTime is Up!